Thursday, August 28, 2008

Stop #2-Charlotte, NC (my home!)

Here it is! The second update from my summer travel extravaganza c/o the mouse.

So, after a losing my Vegas Virginity and learning some new ways to step my workout/teaching game up, I headed to Charlotte for some southern hospitality mixed with work. My job has offices there, and I had been recruited to do some presentations for my fellow coworkers. I couldn't have been happier; I get to head home for work! My mother was thrilled; she was planning things for us to do before I even arrived.

As an only child, I can imagine she gets lonely not having me in the house any more. There was a period where my mom went through huge separation anxiety, but that has long passed. Now she's just happy when I tell her I'm coming home.

So, during my week, I worked and played. I would work during the day, head back to the hotel to check my email, then head out to dinner for some down-time and cocktails with fellow workmates. On the days I didn't have to be in until later, I'd head home and spend time with my mom, grandmother, and uncle. My grandmother made a meal one evening; oh man. Talk about the spread. Ribs, green beans, potato salad, homemade biscuits...and lemon and blueberry pie!. I was stuffed and happy. Definitely can't get that living in New England! I was in heaven.

The remainder of the week brought visits with old friends, a night of Mexican food and margaritas, and some much-needed chill time with my family. I flew back to CT feeling good about my two weeks. Yeah, it was non-stop, no time to think, always on the go, but then it wouldn't be my life if it were any other way.

All in all- I can't complain. Good times were had by the Addict all around :)

Sunday, August 24, 2008


OK- it's official! My life has calmed down enough for me to be able to blog regularly again! I miss my blogfam terribly. Hopefully 68 hasn't replaced me; we have much sports talk to catch up on my friend. Get ready!

I know I promised the second update from my summer adventures and it will come; but I wanted to blog about something I was having conversation about today.

In relationships, once you have become comfortable with your significant other, their space and such, often the need for certain "formalities" goes out the window. Calling before you come over, asking permission to get something to drink, showering, even doing laundry. Long gone are the days of timid requests and cute questioning to be able to take advantage of that which you don't have. It's what I like to call "a sense of entitlement." You begin to feel that "what's mine is yours/yours is mine" mentality and assume that the other person has too.

But what if one person never had that entitlement sense to begin with? Not having it as in, they ask before they do anything. They assume nothing. They may know they don't have to call before they come over but they do anyway. Why? Out of a sense of respect for the other person's space. Not wanting to overstep boundaries. Making sure the other understands that all is appreciated and not taken for granted.

In relationships, is the feeling of entitlement OK? And if so, how far does it go? Are you allowed to say certain things, ask certain questions, or not say/do certain under the assumption that it's OK because you hold special privileges? Just because you have keys to your SO's house does that mean you can show up any time you want? I don't; I always call before I come over. And, I'll admit that I have access to the SO's spot.

I'm not wired to have this; I never have been. I was raised to ask, say please, never assume, and be appreciative of everything because nothing was or is owed to me. My best friend says that if you gave me dirt wrapped as a gift, I would open it and say "aww, this is the best dirt in the world!"

Should I feel bad that I'm not that way?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Stop #1-Vegas

I promised to give an update.

Here it is.

So...stop #1 was Vegas, baby! I have to admit, I was geeked. I was a certified Vegas virgin and the thought of heading to sin city for a little fun in the sun (literally) intrigued me slightly. I didn't know what to expect. I've only been to the left coast twice in my 2? years on this earth. Both were to Cali so I was eager to have my "what happens in Vegas" experience.

Admittidly, it didn't quite happen like that.

I'll remind you that I was there for a fitness convention. For those of you who care, this is the mother of all conventions. Some of the biggest names in the industy show up these events. Every one from equipment companies and music organizations, to clothing and shoe vendors come to peddal their wares. It's a love nest for a fitness freak such as yours truly. I was in heaven.

Each day I had specfic classes that I had registered for prior to coming. Mind you, these are not all "sit down" classes. These are master versions of what you see in your everyday gyms/clubs. For example, I registered for a spin class one morning. Most spin classes run 60 minutes or so. Not ours. This is a room with 65 bikes and every single person on a bike is a fitness professional of some sort. So of course our instructors are more insane than we are. Wrap your mind around this: 6:40am (Vegas time) we're in this huge room with 65 people getting ready for a 90 minute spin class! Out of control. But we do it. The lights get dimmed, the music gets pumped and we start rolling. It's hot, sweaty and the bike seat is getting in my ass, but I love it. It's a sick obsession. I pedal like it's the last class I'll ever take. When it's all said and done, I'm dripping, probably 3-5lb lighter than I was when I started, and wearing a satified smile. I know, I know. I need help.

From there, I immediately grab my bag, and head off to a master kickboxing class. Yes, you heard right, kickboxing. This is my true love- if I could only teach one class the rest of my life, it would be this. Nothing gets me in the zone like this class. My master class was two hours long. We spent the first 25 minutes going over the basics; kicks, punches, blocks and a few combos. We spent the remaining 80 minutes actually kickboxing!! It was insane to say the least. I was dead tired, but I couldn't let the other folks around me defeat me. The mental influence is enough to keep you going for a solid 30 minutes. Every time I wanted to stop and sit down, I'd grab some water and get back in. Another 2-3lbs later, I was sweaty, happy I'd gained some new material to take back to my job and was off to my next class.

That was my life from Tuesday to Friday.

Back to back. Muscle definition classes. Stretcch classes. Pilates. Bosu clinics. Learning new equipment. Even in classes where we could sit and take notes, there would be 2-3 pieces of equipment for us to use in stages. We would work out, run to the side and grab our notepads to scribble down what we learned, throw back some water and then jump back in.

My body was so sore and tired at the end of every day I could barely make it to dinner.

I loved every minute of it.

It's official; I'm addicted.

Up next, stop#2---the QC aka-Charlotte, NC...aka...home of the Addict!