Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tis Better to Have Loved and Lost...

Peace everyone.

A few nights ago, I dreamed that my SO married his ex.

I know, I know...random.

Why do I care? She's not I part of his life and has not been for quite some time now. We've been doing our thing for a minute.

I guess what troubled me the most about my dream is that they (my SO and his ex) looked very happy together. I was even happy for them! And...he was still trying to convince me that we could still have a "thing" when clearly, we couldn't. WTF? No way...I'm nobody's fool. He was steady trying to convince me otherwise. Not to mention it was before the ceremony was to start.

So...I'm reaching out to the blogfam to gather your thoughts and opinions on my dream. Feel free to invite your regulars; perhaps they would like to comment or add perspective.

"Tis better to have love and lost, than not have loved at all."

Is it?


The Second Sixty-Eight said...

We are all a product of our experiences. I would answer your question by saying it is better to have loved and lost. Not everything good is meant to be permanent. But I would rather have had the good and bad of an experience than to miss out.

The Second Sixty-Eight said...

Okay. Looks more like blogged and got lost up in here!

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