I've decided to revisit my "Random" post a second time around. This time, I have some things that are a bit more thought provoking. The idea is to add my own rationale behind the various topics. Some of these are quite random, but I hope you find it an interesting read. Who knows? It may be good enough for Sixty-eight to jack again...
-Who's the bigger player: Bill Clinton or JFK?
*JFK without question. Actually, both were in their own way, but you can tell a true playa by the company he keeps. Bill is married to Hillary; while she's smart, she's a bit homely. JFK married Jakie O...the Diva of all Divas! She was a debutant with killer shades and was always ready for the runway. Bill kept it close with Gennifer Flowers and Monica Lewinsky. JFK ran around with Angie Dickinson and Marilyn Monroe. If you're gonna do it, do it like you're doing it for TV. Need I say more?
*NCAA all day. Way more heart in the game before the contracts and endorsements. I'll make an exception for the NBA playoffs and finals though. Sometimes, regular season games look like practice made for TV. It's not until the playoffs and finals that the superheros come out.
-Tony Montanna or Toni Morrison?
*Tony Montanna is definitely an icon in his own right. Who can forget all the infamous lines? But Toni Morrison, is timeless. She wrote one of the greatest novels (Their Eyes Were Watching God) in under two months!! If you don't know, educate yourself.
-Cigarettes or Cigars?
*Cigars all day. Cigarettes just don't create the vibe that cigars do. Think about it: cigars give off that classy, suave, upstanding vibe. They have been said to represent the finer things in life; wealth, success, power. The process it takes to make a high quality cigar can metaphor life in some ways. It takes time, effort, hard work to accomplish something of great quality that you can be proud of. And they smell good! I don't hear anyone complimenting the smell of a Newport or a Virginia Slim.
-Kobe or LeBron?
*This one I find interesting...I'll leave this one open for discussion. Be sure to get at me in the comments!
-The beach or the mountains?
*The beach!!! OK- both present the opportunity for seclusion, being closer with nature and peace, but something about the beach just does it for me. Seeing the sun rise, hearing the waves crash, seeing how wide and never-ending the ocean is...wow. It does something to your spirit...bring a level of peace you can't find anywhere else. Where do I sign?
Got a few more, but I'll save that for another post...
*Sixty-eight: holla at me. Would love your input on a part 3...or a new line-up altogether.