Sunday, November 18, 2007

Divine Intervention?

Peace everyone.

Divine intervention is an amazing thing. People don't really understand it, present company included.

This morning, the SO and I were on our way to see the Man upstairs. We were walking to the truck looking clean! I was doing it big in a nice sweater and skirt with knee boots, and he was holding it down in a pinstripe suit, suspenders (I'm a sucker for a man in suspenders), and the Aldos to tie it all together. My phone vibrates letting me know I have a new voicemail. I check my messages to find out that I been called into work for a few hours. No big deal; except that I had to be in at 12:30. Smack dead in the middle of when I would be getting my hallelujah-thank you Jesus on. I was disappointed; I enjoy attending Sunday services. My schedule during the week is crazy, and I'm unable to attend services during the week. I'm also traveling a little more for work which takes away from regular attendance sometimes. On the bright side, I got to hold onto the money I was going to give away in church...divine intervention? Hey, it got me breakfast this morning, and I had some change left over. I'm not complaining.

What troubled me most is that one of my coworkers was irresponsible and just didn't come to work. So instead of one person working, 3 people have to come in over the course of an 8 hour day to make up for his absence. Everyone who came in had other things going on, and had to make schedule adjustments. And, to top it all off, he's a brother. There are only 2 of us that represent our side of the demographic here. He's not making it easy to dispel some of the stereotypes that our friends on the other side already have about us. I understand that he just got out of college, and he still might want to party like a rock star. That's fine; hell, I like to get my rock star on too. But not at the expense of my job. At what point do you grow up and take responsibility for your actions? I see some divine intervention in his future...perhaps not the kind he may want, but the kind he may need. Sometimes, life lessons come harder than we would like. He now faces the option of being reprimanded and not considered for future opportunities to advance. On the other hand, because of the leadership, flexibility, and manner in which myself and my coworker approached this situation, we are being looked at with more maturity, as strong leaders, and implementers in the game. That's very important when being looked at for promotions and other growth opportunities. Could be some good things in my future as a result this small inccident.

Thank the Creator for small favors...

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