Friday, November 28, 2008

Starting Over Yet Again

It's amazing to me how life gets in the way of your living sometimes. As much as I love my job, it has been taking over my life lately! Not to say that I don't love my job; I 100% do. It brings me a great deal of satisfaction doing what I do daily. But my responsibilities have grown. And when it's time to deliver, I do so with flying colors. Which results in the demand for the Addict to be a part of more projects, discussions, and trips to here and there.

Which is great! Nothing makes me happier than being a student of the game (i.e., my career) right now.

But little things get put to the sides as a result. And I'm having some trouble with the balance. Things like my relationship, my quiet time, my blogging are all taking a hit as a result of this new direction in my life. As I have a four-day weekend, I plan to vent many frustrations and catch up with all I've missed in the blog world. I also plan to do some real thinking and clearing my head. I didn't head to home for the holiday weekend (plane tickets are still astronomical) so it's just me, my apartment, a few good books, and some Law & Order marathons to keep me company. That and the idea of eating leftover turkey day goodies makes me warm and fuzzy inside.

I'm hoping to gain some of my sanity back this weekend. It's been aloof for quite some time now. Wish me luck.


The Vernon's said...

Can I just tell you that I completely understand!? I absolutely loved my job, but for 2 years it dictated everything that I did, and even the way I began to think. So, I hope you have a wonderful weekend of "nothingness." Enjoy the peace and quiet! Happy Thanksgiving, hun! I love you!

The Addict said...

Thank you so much for understanding! Nice to know I'm not crazy. My job is my life...I love it, but at what cost?