Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"Wii Wrist"

You've heard the terms "tennis elbow" or "swimmers ear"? Well, I don't have either one of those, but I do have a severe case of "Wii wrist".

What, may you ask, is Wii wrist?

Wii wrist: when an individual partakes in the playing the Wii for such an extended period of time that the muscles of the forearm and around the wrist become inflamed and tender due to repetitive motion.

In lay terms, I've been getting my Wii on and now I'm paying for it. My arms is so sore! This is in addition to my daily workouts and teaching classes at work. Throw in typing emails and other activities of daily living and !- Wii wrist.

Here's the deal: the Wii was a gift for Jesus' birthday. Since it's been hooked up, I've been playing like crazy. It's my new favorite friend! Anyway, Saturday night I got it in- 3 hours to be exact. The cause of all my trouble: Wii Sports Resort. 12 games, everything from basketball to archery. I PLAYED EVERY GAME THEY HAD! Maybe not a bright idea, but I had a great time! I took Sunday off, but played for an hour last night when I should have been in bed. This morning my arm hurt something fierce! I let the massage therapist get at it for about 10 minutes--can we say OUCH?! She dug into my arm like she was mad at me. After I'd had all the rubbing I could stand, she told me to take a break from the Wii to let my arm rest.


I know it's my own fault...but I LOVE my Wii. It's fun, and the time really does get away from you. And when you're playing against someone?! Forget it. You're talking trash, getting excited, trying to win and next thing you know your whole life has passed you by. Or in my case, you end up with a wrist on strike.

For the sake of my wrist, I'm going to behave and not play today.

Wonder how fast I can learn to play left-handed...

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