Tuesday, June 10, 2008


" The biggest freaks are church girls. If you want a freak, don't go to tha club, go to church. The same girls who would be sweatin' out their perms in the club on Saturday night would be the same chicks in church six hours later."

So what do you think? Are all church girls freaks? Is the adage true? Is the pastor's daughter getting busy in a Sunday school room during choir rehearsal? Having this conversation as I was driving home from T.G.I. Friday's to watch the game tonight (I'm on the Celtics Bandwagon since my Bobcats were horrible this year), it got me thinking. Growing up, I was what you would call a "church girl". I was there every Sunday. I sang in the choir, I was a junior usher, an acolyte, leader of my youth group, and once I got of age, I even taught the younger kids in VBS (that's Vacation Bible School- don't act like you don't know).

But...I wasn't the girl that the guys wanted. I wasn't the "Jesus-Freak". I was always "the guy's girl". They may have thought I was pretty or cute, but no one ever tried to lure me to the back for some naughty behavior. I was the girl they always wanted to be on their kickball or dodge ball team, or the one they used to get to other girls. Lol...I will say that I did go to church with some girls who got the side-eye (Diva & Ms. Behaving, I'm borrowing your words). The ones that always sat in the back row and had the attention of the guys. They were always the "pretty girls". But was it because secretly, they were an easier nut to crack? The Bible says the Lord loves a cheerful giver...

Let me stop ; P

Seriously-I'd say that as I've gotten older I've heard rumors and seen women in church do some things that would make one raise an eyebrow. Wearing certain clothes, showing a bit more cleavage than necessary, even sitting so they can be in plain view of someone specific. They have to know what they are doing. Last I checked, that wasn't in the definition of a virtuous woman. But what about the women who are perfectly put together? Underneath the pumps and pearls, hats and handbags, are there women who go home an pull out the whip and the swing for some praise and worship?

Thoughts? Get at me in the comments.


Queen of My Castle said...

I was a PK growing up, and I HATE that ppl always think that church girls are freaks. Some are and some aren't. I wasn't. I was too scared to do anything naughty. The guys had crushes on my sister and me, but we just befriended them and we all just kinda became really cool friends.

Glad to know that I was not alone in being a GOOD church girl ;-)

Jazzy said...

I don't know why Queen sitting here tryna say she aint no freak...side eye...fo real! hmph! lol

I can't say whether this is generally true or not. Most of the girls in my neighborhood were some tramps and NONE of them were church girls. There are freaks everywhere.

The Second Sixty-Eight said...

Dayum!!! Now how you gonna do that Queenie? You now I gotta side eye you too. And I don't do the side eye. (and Diva thinks it is "suspect" for dudes to do so, BUT...) Although I did notice you said "was" instead of "am" in the last sentence...

I would not generalize and say that ALL church girls are freaks. But I will say that some of the worst offenders are sitting up in church every Sunday.

And some of them "slutty" looking ones in church may just be engaging in a very competitive campaign of man catching.

The Addict said...

*Queen-while I wasn't a PK I know my fair share who weren't as good as you were (sans Diva & 68). Lol...I was a bit scared myself. My mom put the fear of God in me.

*Diva-I agree. Freaks are everywhere...they look like regular folks so you can't really tell them apart in public (i.e., church).

*Sixty-eight- first...welcome back!
I see women vying for attention all the time. It's down-right scandalous! You're right...there are plenty folks with issues. But the word says "come as you are..."

Eb the Celeb said...

I think that preachers kids seem to be the worst mainly because of all the pressure that have to be perfect kids because of their parents profession.

But I think in general freaks are freaks. Especially when you are a teenager you arent going to church by choice... more than likely your parents are making you go. I remember back home this girl got caught giving one of the lil boys head in the bathroom at church...

so she was coming to church but not getting the word.

Queen of My Castle said...

I never denied that fact that I am a freak...NOW, that I am an adult. LMAO. Did y'all REALLY have to put a chic on blast like that? Damn. LOL