Monday, June 9, 2008

Makes me Wanna Holler! mind is boggled.

This morning on my way to work (at 5:20AM), I was minding my own, driving down the street. I happened to look in my rear view mirror and noticed a cop following me. Now, I'm not one to think "oh hell, what now?" I tend to have a more aggressive, "mess with me if you want" attitude towards cops. Men, especially cops in my experience, sometimes don't expect a woman to speak up or know her stuff. Not this little yellow girl...I come ready-guns blazin'.

So anyway, we're driving and he pulls into the lane next to me as we approach a stop light at an intersection. I come to a complete stop, but the cop does not. In fact, he does the casual drive right up to the pedestrian walk and then, without putting on his sirens, runs the light!?! WTF??? Now granted, there was not other traffic around except me, but if I had pulled that mess, he would have had my tags run before I could say my name. There was no emergency; the ambulance and fire departments were no where in sight. He just ran the light for no reason other than he could 'cause he's got a badge. As he passed by, he gave me the "yeah, that's right" look; kinda smug and sarcastic.

Stuff like that just makes my teeth wiggle!! I despise seeing our law enforcement-the folks who are supposed to uphold the law and set the example and standard-violate it. I know they have special rights and privileges, but sometimes they just take them too far. Like I said, had that been me, it would have been a serious matter.

Oh well, whatcha gonna do?

1 comment:

Jazzy said...

the po po does stuff like that in the NY/NJ area on the regular...they are above the aint know?