Saturday, June 14, 2008

Who Am I?

Who am I?

I'm a woman.
Not perfect.

I'm a woman.
Ever growing.
Always learning.

I'm a woman.
Cherishes family.
Adores friends.

I'm a woman.
Forever strong,
fight til the end.

I'm a woman.
A natural comforter.
A warm embrace.

I'm a woman.
Feel my love,
see my grace.

I'm a woman.
Standing tall!
Walking proud!

I'm a woman.
Don't need the crowd.

I'm a woman.
Fearing God,
needing His care.

I'm a woman.
Praying daily,
knowing He's there.

I'm a woman.
Stressing out,
going through.

I'm a woman.
in need of love,
tried and true.

I'm a woman.
southern born,
southern raised;

I'm a woman
pressing on,
finding my way.

I'm a woman.
Strong in heart,
strong in mind.

I'm a woman.
A magnificent creature,
One of a kind.


The Second Sixty-Eight said...

You're a woman
You posted,
I am glad!

Good stuff miss. And tell Stuart Scott to put his damn glasses on straight. We know the eye ain't quite straight. He ain't fooling nobody trying to break up the lines with his glasses all crooked!

Jazzy said...

lol @ 68!

Not perfect, every growing, strong...a magnificent creature! Nice!

I kept thinking:

I am woman
hear me

Anonymous said...

You are a phenomenal and beautiful woman!

The Addict said...

68-Lol..funny! Leave our folks alone!

And I've been rather consistent with my posts since the hiatus. You'd be proud.

Diva-Lol...I almost put that in..but then I thought better and kept it serious.

Huddy-thx love :)

The Second Sixty-Eight said...

Sorry. I had to do that one. Especially since you are an "insider"!

Queen of My Castle said...

I sooo loved this.

The Addict said...

Thanks Queen! I aspire to write beautiful words as you do one day... :)